Yoornt pibaarag boyak dek

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Language                                                  Name

Noongar-Wudjari (W8):                           

Noongar-Nyoongar/Baaduk (W41):      Yoornt pibaarag boyak dek


Common name:                    

Scientific name:                                       Melaleuca globifera


Group name for Plants

Wudjari:                                                      Dek

Nyoongar/Baaduk:                                   Dek


Group name for Flowers

Wudjari:                                                       Djet

Nyoongar/Baaduk:                                    Djet


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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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Language Meaning

Nyoongar: Yoornt = yellow, pibaarag = wattle, boyak = on the rock, dek = plant

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

How does it Look - Feel - Smell - Taste?

Looks like
Nyoongar: Yellow, whitey flower. Large nut, green when young. The flowers come out of the little nodules. Lots of tiny little seeds, the size of grains of sand will come out of the seedpod holes. Hard green stem. Very woody and hardy, the salt does that to plants. Leaves are green and smooth with lines straight up the leaves.


Feels like
Nyoongar: Smooth leaves, Hard textured nuts.


Tastes like
Nyoongar: Tangy strong, fresh plant taste.


Smells like
Nyoongar: Flowers have pretty smell and sweetish.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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What does it sound like?

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Food, Medicine And Other Uses

Nyoongar: Chew on the nuts when they are greenish and tender. It is also a water source.


Nyoongar: The honey you get from it has healing properties.


Other uses
Nyoongar: Nuts might be used as a breath freshener. Also used to make necklaces.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

Where Is It Found?

Nyoongar: It is endemic to granite, native to the Esperance/Cape Arid region. Grows where it will get sun all the time. Found all the way from Bremer Bay. On Table Mountain it is on the northern coastal side. It grows into cracks in the rock.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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What Is Its Character?

Nyoongar: Prickly and very hardy and strong with a very unique nut. It is a sun-loving plant and grows where it will get sun all the time.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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Connection the Culture

Nyoongar: Totemic and relates to place, identification of Country.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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Connection To Season

Nyoongar: Flowers in Kambarang - but it is an evergreen.












Nyoongar: Flowers in Kambarang.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

Connection To Country

Nyoongar: It is found along songlines and trading routes. It connects us to Country. They are integral to the ecological system of Australia, and Taalyaraak Country.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

Connection To People

Nyoongar: It is found along songlines and trading routes. It connects us to Country.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:

Connection To Other Plants/animals

Nyoongar: Bird life, ants and bees.

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Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
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Connection To Astrology

Nyoongar: All plants and animals have a connection to the outer world.

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Edited by
Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:


Nyoongar: It’s managed on its own by the weather. It is essential to preserve these plants rather than clear land, because they only grow in certain areas.

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Edited by
Source: Nyoongar: Lynette Knapp, Gail Yorkshire, Vanessa Martin
From Collection:


Biodiversity Heritage Library references



Taxonomy from

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Phylum: Charophyta
  • Class: Equisetopsida
  • Subclass: Magnoliidae
  • Superorder: Rosanae
  • Order: Myrtales
  • Family: Myrtaceae
  • Genus: Melaleuca
  • Species: Melaleuca globifera

Infraspecific taxa

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Last updated: Unknown; Feb 29, 2024 12:43 Status: Legacy

Author - Noongar Boodjar Language Centre

Knapp, L., Yorkshire, G., Ali-Smith, D., Councillor, L., Nannup, A., Jansen, A., Moulton, T., Blond, B., Turpin, G., Hopper, S., Lullfitz, A and Raisbeck-Brown, N. (2024).Yoornt pibaarag boyak dek. Noongar Boodjar Language Centre, Perth, Western Australia. [Date accessed: 27 March 2025] https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/noongar